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Seeds vs Weeds: Your Mind is a Garden

Your mind/soul/spirit is a garden–the most important kind of garden. It’s where you live at all times. Your core. Your very essence. Everything you are, and everything you will ever become. For this reason, you must be very selective about who you allow to plant in your garden.

Some people are seeds, and some are weeds.

Seeds pray with you, and pray over you. You feel like you are at your best when they are around, and never “less-than.” Seeds help you grow. They offer help and will never ever let you feel guilty for taking them up on it, nor will they ever mention it again. It’s not in a seed’s nature. They pour into and nourish you. They offer encouragement and gentle wisdom. And even when they don’t understand your struggles, or maybe they aren’t even religious at all, seeds still stand by you, letting you know they are always a soft place to land emotionally. They trust your abilities, but offer advice when asked, and most importantly, you trust them. They are the ones whom you cannot hide your tears and ugly days from, because you know it is safe to say “I’m not okay.” Seeds don’t judge. Seeds give you life, reflect Jesus at every encounter, and they give you hope. Seeds will make your garden flourish. Seek these people out, love on them, and be their seed too.

Weeds are quick to offer criticism. They suck the life and energy out of you. Drain you. Weeds are quick to assert their authority. Weeds are slow to encourage you, but always ready to bring up your failures. They are quick to raise their voice. Intimidation is a handy tool for them because few people dare to ever question weeds. They like to think they are always right–even better if you are already down. This is their favorite time to ‘kick’ you and be “right.” Weeds prey on those who won’t stand up for themselves, so they are not concerned with being mean spirited, rude, overbearing, or stepping way out of line. And when they do, they rarely (never?) apologize. They trample over boundaries without a care and play shocked when you react. Weeds will kill your garden. Loving a weed means praying for them from afar and letting God speak to them instead. You’re done working on that project. Let go of the way it “should” be.

In order to find peace in life, you absolutely must know the difference between a seed and a weed, and adjust your life accordingly as much as possible. Find your Seeds, and be a Seed! That is what God wants us to do for each other! Fill your time with people that add to your life, and not take away–which to some extent is literal because there is a direct link to stress and what it does to your body, and how it kills and damages cells, as if anyone needs that.

At the end of the day, your well-being and mental health is solely up to you! No one is going to rescue or save you from poor health, and your family and friends need you to be both physically and mentally present in their lives. Do not waste time entertaining stressful situations and foolishness when you have your life to live. You only get one! …So make it amazing. Regularly tend to your garden, and keep it beautiful. 🌹🌷🌻

Discussion Time! 🗣🗣🗣

What are some things a “seed” has done for you in the past? What are some ways that you can be a “seed” to someone today? 🤔😊 Please share in the comments!

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